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Position:Home>History> American civil war? why was it so important that abrah. lin. wrote a speech abou

Question: American civil war!? why was it so important that abrah!. lin!. wrote a speech about it!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He didn't write a speech about it!. He wrote a speech about the Battle of Gettysburg (the "Gettysburg Address") that spoke of healing the nation (but the war lasted two more years anyway)!. He also talked about the same topic of healing the nation during his second inaugural address!. Abraham Lincoln was elected president just after the first southern states seceded from the United States, so he was the first president to have to deal with it directly!. The war tore the country apart; brother against brother - literally in some cases!. Of COURSE it was "important"!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can never question the importance of winning a war and the benefits!. But the American Civil War was extremely important because it was fought to end sectionalism, not slavery like most people think!. Sectionalism is when someone favors one part of the country more than the country itself!. This country could have scattered in individual states and end up as a weak region!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

more americans died in the civil war then world war 1,2 and vietnam put together!.!.!.!. the country basically killed eachother and coming out at the end was the unity of a country the usa became the United states is, meaning only one, where as before it was the United states are (national treasure 2) meaning pluralWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because more than 1!.8million men died during the Civil War!.

At the time of the Gettysburg Speech things were going badly for the North!. He put the fire in the Northern troops to get "her done"

They "got her done" by the time the Battle of Gettysburg was over the tide was turning against the South!.

You need to read some American History!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it gave extreme courage to soldiers, and helped with the warWww@QuestionHome@Com

Abraham Lincoln wrote many speeches on the Civil War!. Which one are you referring to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question boggles my mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com