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Position:Home>History> Help please!!!!!!!!!!? extra credit?

Question: Help please!!!!!!!!!!!? extra credit!?
1!.Which group of statements most accurately describes the causes of the Cold War!?

2!.Which group contains reasonable elements of a policy of containment!?

3!.Which Cold War leader would be most likely to agree with the statement shown below!?

4!.Who is the leader described below!?

5!.Which political leader would have been most likely to agree with the statements shown below!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Group B
2!. Group A
3!. Nikita Khruschev
4!. Fidel Castro, though the last sentence is outdated and should read "he ruled", not "he has ruled"
5!. Mao!?Www@QuestionHome@Com