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Position:Home>History> What are some genocides that happend before 1700?

Question: What are some genocides that happend before 1700!?
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The Spanish Conquistadors vs!. the Mayans and Aztecs, circa 16th and 17th centuries!. probably the biggest ever, but no one will ever no for sure!.!.!.

Disease did kill many, but the Conquistadors also killed many!. They viewed the natives as savages and were in the way of the gold, which was huge for the Spanish empire at the time!. They enslaved all those that didn't die immediately from disease or outright slaughter in village raids!. The Invading Spanish were unbelievably cruel and brutal to the natives, and since they didn't have to pay for these slaves as they did with Africans they were viewed as extremely expendable, and to say that there massacre was an unfortunate circumstance of the time period is belittling of an entire civilization that was virtually wiped off the face of the Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem with that question is that genocides refer to organized deliberate mass-killings of a specific ethnic/religious group, generally organized by the nation-state!.

Sure lots of people died in the conquistas but largely it was due to diseases that the Spanish (in all likelihood) were unaware would cause the devastation that it did!.

In pre-modern and early-modern periods the goal was not to wipe out peoples but to convert/enslave them!. A dead man can't pay taxes or work your field!. Massive deaths were an unfortunate by-product in this time period, not deliberate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Genocide article from Encyclopedia Britannica Online!.

the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race!. The term, derived from the Greek genos (“race,” “tribe,” or “nation”) and the Latin cide (“killing”), was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-born jurist who served as an adviser to the U!.S!. Department of War during World War II!.

Although the term itself is of recent origin, genocide arguably has been practiced throughout history (though some observers have restricted its occurrence to a very few cases)!. According to Thucydides, for example, the people of Melos were slaughtered after refusing to surrender to the Athenians during the Peloponnesian War!. Indeed, in ancient times it was common for victors in war to massacre all the men of a conquered population!. The massacre of Cathari during the Albigensian Crusade in the 13th century is sometimes cited as the first modern case of genocide, though medieval scholars generally have resisted this characterization!.

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