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Position:Home>History> German Economy During WW2?

Question: German Economy During WW2!?
For my History homework I've gotta write about the economy in Germany during the reign of Hitler and how it improved!.

I've done lots on it, like how he gave people jobs and organised the HItler youth, but was there anything else to it!?

I was also wondering if he ever went back to the Rhineland!? Did he break any of the rules that the treaty made!?

I'm not asking you to do my homework, just to give me an idea of what happened to the economy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The treaty of versailles is what brought Germany into the depression and rapid inflation of the mark!. The previous German government abided by the treaty and rampidly printed as much money as possible to pay off the debts, not thinking about how inflation would affect the country's economy!.

When Hitler took over, the country was in despair and far into an economic depression!. People were willing to give up anything to fix the country!. Hitler was the solution to their problems!. As developing dictatorship, Hitler firstly and most importantly disregarded the treaty!. Hitler instead of paying the reprimands to France, UK and other countries; put money into rearming Germany!. This brought back jobs as any war really does to the country!. A key moment in this was breaking the treaty after reoccupying Rhineland in 1936!.

The "improvement" of the German economy by the Nazis wasn't really skill, but more trickery!. A major player Hjalmar Schacht was able to fund Hitler's rearmament by currency manipulation and the introduction of fake bills called "mefo bills"!. It was a based from a fake company which gave out these fake bills which was supposedly able to be transferred into marks!. This allowed the country to run further into more of a deficit without it being obvious to the public!. Basically it was a "loan" which would be paid off later to manufacturers and workers!.

Interesting enough, these mefo bills were also quite hidden and allowed the government to spend on rearmament without it being announced on global channels!. also Churchill's appeasement politics didn't help in stopping it!. But you'll notice that these were all manipulation of numbers and bank notes, it really doesn't give Germany something tangible to work with!. That's where the war comes in!. After invading other nations at the start of WWII, Germany began acquiring resources and riches from those nations!. This helped bring the Germany economy into a now tangible currency!.

Yes I wrote this!. It's kind of my take on the situation and well, some of the more "opinionated" parts could very well be wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com