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Position:Home>History> When did Italy come under Nazi rule, and how?

Question: When did Italy come under Nazi rule, and how!?
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Italy was fascist before Germany under Mussolini!. But the northern half of the country effectively became under Hitlers rule after the Italians surrendered to the Allies in 1943!. The Germans and some die hard Italian fascist's kept fighting there!. It was hard, brutal, fighting but became a side show, compared to north Europe after D-Day!. Part of the Italian navy went over to the Germans part to the Allies!. In effect Italy had a Civil War in the middle of the larger war of WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The beginning of the war, Italy was a Fascist country in alliance with the German Nazi's!.

However, once the Allies invaded (Sicily, July 1943), Italy quickly surrendered, arrested Mussolini, and signed an Armistice (September 1943) This left a open flank for Allies to invade into Germany, so Germany responded by "disarming" Italian Military in jointly controlled areas like Greece, and the invasion of Northern Italy and continued the battles there!. The Allies were stopped half way up the peninsula with a Nazi ruled north and Allied ruled south!. The line remained unchanged and the Allies switch concentration to Normandy France!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Count DiMera is correct!. The Italians were fascist and in an alliance (Axis Powers) with Germany but they were never under nazi rule, per se!. On September 8, 1943 the Italians officially gave up their alliance with the Germans and agreed to join the Allied Powers and fight against the Germans!.
The Germans had long been awaiting this move and met it with resistance, as it had already planted troops in a defensive movement!. German troops occupied many towns and cities in Italy at this time and even occupied Rome but it was short lived and the Italians never fell under nazi ruleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Officially in Sept!. 1943 after the Mussolini government fell and Italy aligned with the Allies!. The territories where there were German troops were controlled by German commanders or on ocassion by Fascist Italians!. But by 1944 most Germans were out of Italy!. The German troops were in Italy because of the Axis Pact to prevent and later fight the Allied invasion of the peninsula!. So, Italy was not invaded, rather had some territories subjected to German control by forces already in place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Italy was never under Nazi rule, just like Japan was never under Nazi rule!. Italy and Japan were simply allied with the Nazi governement in Germany the same way that the U!.S!. was a democracy allied with the communist Soviet Union!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Italy was never ruled by the NazisWww@QuestionHome@Com