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Position:Home>History> Why was the spanish armada formed ? thanks?

Question: Why was the spanish armada formed !? thanks!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After Queen Elizabeth I had Mary Queen of Scots beheaded, Phillip II of Spain declared that since his wife, Mary Tudor (Queen Mary I of England) had been the last "legitimate" queen of England (Elizabeth had been excommunicated by the Pope) that he was actually the legitimate King of England!.

He got permission from the Pope and assembled a huge fleet with which to attack England with the goal of removing Elizabeth from the throne and taking it for himself!. This fleet is known as the Spanish Armada!.

The attempt to attack England failed!. Check Wikipedia for details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Spanish Armada was formed to invade England!. The plan was not so much to carry troops all the way from Spain, but to gain control of the English Channel so troops already in the Spanish controlled Netherlands could be carried over to England!.

The English managed to keep the Armada travelling downwind past all appropriate ports, so the scheme failed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com