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Position:Home>History> Anyone know any good historical swear words?

Question: Anyone know any good historical swear words!?
I'm writing a research paper that's in the form of a story and I'd like it to be as realistic as possible!.

So, what kind of profanity would those in the American Revolution have used!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A pox on this weather!
Curse it!

And from the French contingent-
Sacre bleu!

My grandfather - and to some extent, my mother too - often say, "I'll be swan!"

I have no idea where it came from, or what it means!.

This might help too!.!.!.!.


haha, probably the same as now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hussy!. (woman who gets around)Www@QuestionHome@Com