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Position:Home>History> In British schools children are taught that Hitler was a right wing fascist, is

Question: In British schools children are taught that Hitler was a right wing fascist, is this not the case in America!?
I have noticed that some people on yahoo answers seem to think Hitler was left wing!. I believe that these people are american!. Do they teach a different version of history there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do think that left leaning philosophy is generally viewed with skepticism in the American education system!. I really think that very few Americans can tell you the name of a single left leaning writer, philosopher, or politician that they would consider as being important in changing the world for the better!.
I think that is why you see the type of answers you see!. Hitler is bad, left wing is bad, so Hitler must be left wing!. Ipso facto!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's the same here!. But at the extremes, the far left and the far right seem to be very similar in many ways, especially when both inevitably lead to totalitarianism, at which point "left" and "right" become considerably less important!. It's a bit hard to explain to the British how significantly different our basic political thought is from yours!. There are things your Parliament could do, for instance, that our government simply does not have the authority for!. If we look like a bunch of anarchists to you at times, there's a valid reason for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, I think the main thing that confuses us yanks is the whole National Socialist thing!. People have a hard time with the idea that someone could claim to be 'socialist' yet be right wing!.

Unfortunately we still have a lot of baggage from McCarthyism and the whole 'red scare' thing!. Even though Hitler is portrayed as right wing the socialist thing confuses the average person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hitler wasnt a right wing facist!.!.!. he was a nazi!.!.!. or at least thats wat were taught here in australia!.

and im pretty sure there is no political party called the right wing fascists in america!.!. althugh here in australia we have a political party called "The FIshing Party"Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, we were taught same in my world history class!.
Right wing was republic, left were democrat while the middle was moderate!. Fascist like Hitler was in the extreme far right while communism was the extreme far left!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Possibly a lot of people nowadays don't understand the distinction between Communism and Fascism, after all both are pretty well obsolete systems in the west today, so maybe they're not familiar with the difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


We learn the same history!. But, not everyone has learned it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good questionWww@QuestionHome@Com