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Position:Home>History> Germany 1919-1933?

Question: Germany 1919-1933!?
How did conditions and events in Germany in the 1919-1933 period lead to a climate of deep discontent!? Why did many German people come to believe that the program of the Nazi Party and the leadership of Adolf Hitler might be their salvation!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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because they had lost WWI and were devastated economically and morally!.!.!.!.!.then along came the Great Depression in 1929 and it made it even worse!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.a man named Adolph Hitler who had recently taken control of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) rose to power in Germany in 1933 by promising to end German suffering and bring back jobs to the German people and bring them out of the depression (which he eventually did!.!.!.and thats why Germany loved him and the party and thought of him as a savior)!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.but only if he had just stopped there, instead he is now seen as an evil man who brought suffering to the german people in the 40'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

The government at that time was called the Wiemar Republic!. That was a mix of parties Social Democrats to the Peoples Party!.
Unemployment is rising and the unemployment insurance is in heavy deficit!. The Social Democrats want to increase employer's contributions while the People's Party want to cut benefits!. Rising unemployment puts the unemployment insurance into greater crisis!.
President Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag due to social discontent!. In 1930 unemployment is around 3 million!.
These are some very important reasons and with all the allies from World war one demanding war reforations there was no money left for the German people!. The allies used to Treaty of Versailles as a hammer to nail the German people!. They wanted to reduce Germany to a serf like agricultural existence, with no modern technology!. Reduce them to a more primitive existence with no modern industrial might, so they dare not commit war again!. So there was no more economy and the people were starving and out of work, with no future!. With that type of economy there was no way to pay their war debt, so the German people began to suffer!. Allowing some idiot like Hitler to end the Wiemar Republic and the beginning of Nazi Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would guess because Germany was punished and required to pay for WW I, Germany started to print an extremely high amount of money which in return created runaway inflation which destroyed the economy of Germany!. The German people were also punished and had lost their self esteem!. Take one nut case who talks about making the rest of the world pay and it was the jews who created this situation, you have a hero who will lead the people to victory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually things had been looking good for Germany, between '24-'29 at least!. The main problem lay in two facets of the treaty of Versailles!.

First off, war reparations, Germany was forced to pay huge amounts to the victorious allies, especially France and Britain!.

Secondly, they couldn't possibly pay them off on their own so they borrowed heavily from America!. Meaning when the American stock market crashed in '29 the lenders suddenly came calling, and Germany simply could not pay!.

The NSDAP more than anything else offered freedom from Versailles and most importantly of all economic security!. But, they never won democratically!. Hindenburg still got re-elected, it was those in power who placed Hitler as the chancellor thinking they could control him!. Of course in hindsight we all see how reckless that was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com