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Question: American Revolution and signing of Declaration of Independence!?
What major factors, ideas, and event led to the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776!.!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
after the french and indian war (1763) england ended its policy of salutary neglect which was when britain basically ignored the colonies as long as they were providing the economic needs!. england imposed several taxes on the colonists including one on stamps, legal documents, sugar, etc!. the main one was a tax on tea that led to the boston tea party and then led to britain sending in troops to quell the colonists!. after that, the colonists joined together and declared independence from england!. then the revolution started!.!.!.
thats just a very general summary of what happened!. for a more elaborate explanation, buy a review book on US history!. id suggest the princeton review one, it helps a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of the reasons listed in the Declaration against King George and the British government--for starters!. You could write chapters on each one, and some authors have written entire books one or another of those reasons!. At the immediate moment of the signing, those reasons were the most important!.

But there were the political ideas of John Locke and Aristotle; the history of the English people including the Magna Charta in 1215!. "Abuses by King John caused a revolt by nobles who compelled him to execute this recognition of rights for both noblemen and ordinary Englishmen!. It established the principle that no one, including the king or a lawmaker, is above the law!." http://www!.constitution!.org/eng/magnacar!.!.!.

And there was the distance!. Why should it take months for problems in America to be settled--or never settled--in England!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people broke off from endland, fought them, then got together to sign something to call themselfs "America" and they where there own country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com