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Position:Home>History> Four questions about Hebrew history?

Question: Four questions about Hebrew history!?
the land they moved into in 1941!.!.!.!.!. that land was occupied by Palestinians yes!?
was this land, this very same land once Hebrew land!. i mean the exact same geographic!?
who kicked the Hebrews out, in the first place!?
what is Gods purpose, for Israel!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jews lived in that particular land consecutively for centuries and thousand of years!.
I often hear that the Jewish people "moved" into the land after the Holocaust (1945)- which is simply false!. Even before Jewish immigrants came in great amounts, there has always been a Jewish community in the land: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Yishuv_haYa!.!.!.
The First Aliyah (the first wave of Jewish immigration to the land of Israel) started in 1881, and there were 5 major Aliyot (Jewish immigration waves) until 1939 (when Hitler was elected)!. When Holocaust survivors came in 1945, there was practically a functioning Jewish state in Israel (only it was declared as such 3 years later)!.

Now, when the first Aliyot came the land was ruled by the Ottoman Empire!. In 1920 the League of Nations empowered the British Empire to control the land!. Most of the land's inhabitants were Arabs; ALL of the land's inhabitants (including the Jews of the Yishuv HaYashan) were called Phalestinians!.

The land that you hear of a lot in the news is the very same land that you read of in the bible; the land that was once the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel!. So yes, the land was controlled by the Hebrews: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/History_of_!.!.!.

The Hebrews were 'kicked out" several times:
Assyrian Exile: in 722 BCE the Assyrian empire conquered the Kingdom of Israel and exiled its people- ten out of twelve Hebrew tribes!. In Jewish culture, the tribes are considered lost ever since!.
Babylonian Exile: between 597-586 BCE the Babylonian Empire conquered the Kingdom of Judah and exiled its people to Babylon, but in 539 BCE the exiled Jews were allowed to come back to their land!.
Roman Empire: in 63 BCE the Romans conquered the Land of Israel (during that time they minted the name Palestine: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Iudaea_Prov!.!.!. There were two major Jewish rebellions during the Roman era: one in 66-73 AD (the Great Revolt) and one in 132-136 AD (Bar Kokhba revolt); the rebellions were followed by great exiles in which the Romans enslaved the Jews and deported them!.

But the Jewish community in the Land of Israel survived, and some of their descendants were the people of the Yishuv HaYashan!.

As for god, I think no one should pretend to know what he intends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes the land was originally Hebrew land!. the ppl that were there were a mix of Arab and other ppls who were moved into the region by the Assyrians when they conquered Israel!. Assyria moved the Jews out to make rebellions more difficultWww@QuestionHome@Com