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Position:Home>History> Collectivisation? New economic policy? war communism?

Question: Collectivisation!? New economic policy!? war communism!?
could anyone tell me what these terms are!. i have an idea but not in detail!. thankyou so much to anyone who answers my question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These are all aspects of Soviet government in the 1920s!.

War Communism: During WWI, the Soviet Union faced not only external threats but an internal civil war!. To rebuild, and probably also to consolidate power, Lenin ca!. 1918 instituted a policy of "war communism," which nationalized (took under government control) most industrial and agricultural production!.

It didn't increase output much, if at all, but it did subordinate people to the state!.

New Economic Policy: Realizing the failure of direct government control of production, Lenin ca!. 1921 proposed opening some productive activities to market forces (i!.e!. "capitalism")!. As the state held less power (even allowing the outlying Soviet Republics some autonomy), the Bolshevik Party became more controlling!.

Collectivization: Stalin was unhappy with his predecessor Lenin's NEP!. He got rid of all traces of capitalism by re-nationalizing production in his first Five Year Plan!.

The collectivization of agriculture was a disastrous attempt to punish (and possibly kill off) small holding farmers, whom Stalin thought unproductive and too independent, and replace them with large collectives run by peasants!. There was a substantial food shortage to accompany the other problems of Stalin's 1928 plan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com