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Position:Home>History> Why was Louis Riel executed?

Question: Why was Louis Riel executed!?
Why was he executed!? beacuse I'm confused right now!. I'm doing a Red River Rebellion thing!.!.!.and i got to the part where he goes to the U!.S!. But I need to know how it ends (how he dies)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
According to Wikipedia, he was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death!. The jury found him guilty but recommended mercy; nonetheless, Judge Hugh Richardson sentenced him to death, with the date of his execution initially set for September 18, 1885!. Fifty years later one of the jurors, Edwin Brooks, said that Riel was tried for treason but hanged for the execution of Thomas Scott!. He was hanged on November 16, 1885!.Www@QuestionHome@Com