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Position:Home>History> Identify 12 historical figures, themes or events in Linkin Park's "What

Question: Identify 12 historical figures, themes or events in Linkin Park's "What I've Done" music video
You can find the video on youtube!. It goes by pretty fast so keep your eyes opened!. Points rewarded to most correctly identified themes, events or people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
war, pollution, raising petrol prices :(, the destruction of our world, its flora and fauna, the vast gap between 1st and 3rd world countries - starvation and obesity, stone henge and pyramids vs skyscrapers and factories, mother theresa, kennedy, buddha, abe lincoln, possibly fidel castro!?, ku klux klan, hitler and nazi germany, saddam hussein and the fall of his government, global warming, 9/11, nuclear bomb testing, !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com