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Position:Home>History> Will you favor a absolute monarchy or a limited monarchy? explain why?

Question: Will you favor a absolute monarchy or a limited monarchy!? explain why!?
will you favor a absolute monarchy or a limited monarchy!? explain why

i have some absolute monarchs for you!.

peter the great
catherine the great
louis the 14thWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The absolute monarchs are unfair and injustice, all people are born with the same rights!. The absolute ruler of England started taxing American colonies for tea!. The American colonies felt that they were being taxed unfairly on their trade, because they had no representatives in the British parliament!. Frustrated by English oppression and increasing taxes, colonists in all 13 colonies chose representatives for a Continental in 1776!. Based largely on the writings of John Locke, delegates worked out a series of complaints against the absolute king!. In the Declaration of independence it says that all men are created equal!. In 1789 the declaration of rights were written!. The declaration of right is a declarative French political document defining a set of individual rights and collective rights of all of the estates as one, brought on by the French Revolution!. In the first article it says” Men are born and remain free and equal in rights!. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good!." This meant that absolute monarchy was over!. People now have the right to revolt against a corrupt king!.

which means i do like limited monarchWww@QuestionHome@Com
