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Question: Who's good at history!?
Directions: using the information in the documents provided and your knowledge of world history, write a well- organized essay that includes an introduction, a body of several paragraphs, and a conclusion

The 1600s and 1700s were a time of political transition in europe!. in some countries, groups began to question a monarch's right to rule with absoulute control and unchecked power, and they began to demand a greater voice in government!. such challenges led to a civil war in England in the mid - 1600s and to a revolution in France in the late 1700s!. these current of political change were also felt in the americas, where in 1776 some british conlonists rejected the rule of their king and declared their independence from the great Britain!.

Anyone can find or write a essay about this !?

i will give best anwserWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were an era in which absolutism dominated the political systems of Europe!. Then something happened, a very important change took place in history when the people changed their view and ideals concerning how they would be governed!. Instead of being ruled, the people demanded a voice and some form of control over their governments!. Some changes were more violent than others!. Still, the change caused government and people to relate to each other completely different than ever before!. After seeing change many other nations started to take change!.

I favor a limited monarchy because if the ruler has all the power, he can do anything he wants!. That means he can tax people for no reason!. When somebody gets too much power they will always abuse it!. Many monarchs, particularly those of European descent, employed the role of absolutist philosophy during their reign in the seventeenth century!. One of those monarchs was Charles I, king of England!. Charles believed that he was send down by god and he said the people should listen to him no matter what!. He abused his power and the people finally revolted against him!. Which led to his execution!. Often the absolute monarch will abuse their power and tax people and hurt peasants for no reason!.

Many wars broke out because many people wanted to have a limited monarchy!. A civil war took place in England during the mid 1600s and the French revolution in the late 1700s!. These war changed history’s course, many nations became limited monarch and the people limited the ruler’s power!. The best government for the people will be the one John Locke mentioned!. Locke believed that human nature is characterized by reason and tolerance!. He said in a natural state all people were equal and independent, and none had a right to harm another’s life, health, liberty, or possessions!. When a prince does something wrong and does not get punished what kind of fair treatment is that!? No matter who you are, you should also get the same punishment as anybody else!. John Locke also thinks that all the nations should have freedom of speech!. Locke also advocated governmental separation of powers and believed that revolution is not only a right but also a must happen in some circumstances!. These ideas would have influence on the Constitution and The Declaration of Independence!.

The absolute monarchs are unfair and injustice, all people are born with the same rights!. The absolute ruler of England started taxing American colonies for tea!. The American colonies felt that they were being taxed unfairly on their trade, because they had no representatives in the British parliament!. Frustrated by English oppression and increasing taxes, colonists in all 13 colonies chose representatives for a Continental in 1776!. Based largely on the writings of John Locke, delegates worked out a series of complaints against the absolute king!. In the Declaration of independence it says that all men are created equal!. In 1789 the declaration of rights were written!. The declaration of right is a declarative French political document defining a set of individual rights and collective rights of all of the estates as one, brought on by the French Revolution!. In the first article it says” Men are born and remain free and equal in rights!. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good!." This meant that absolute monarchy was over!. People now have the right to revolt against a corrupt king!.

However not everyone thought that limited monarchy was good!. Some like Thomas Hobbes believed that it was better to be a absolute monarch!. But like John Locke they both think that Man without government will never prosper!. Hobbes believed that only a absolute monarchy can rule the people!. He argued that people were naturally evil and could not be trusted to govern!. The constant state of war is what Hobbes believed to be man’s original state of nature!. According to Hobbes, man should not be trusted in the state of nature and limits must be put on freedom and inalienable rights!. I also believed that if people were giving power to do something they would also abuse it!.

Limited and absolute government have been both practiced with many nations and it turned out that limited monarch was more favored because most of those still stand today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Absolutism History!.
Write about peter the great, centralized power, the English and the power the kings and queens had, like!.!. John I, Charles the I, and earlier!. And the magna carta!. and How the Parliment wanted more power for the people so it let to the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution!.

And How French Absoluism, the third estate always had to pay so much taxes!.
And how Louis the 14th the sun king made sure it was centralized power so the palace of versailles was built, and all the debt came to the 3rd estate!.

Unlimately leading to the French revolution of 1789!.

All these were contributed by enlighentment thought, and the renaissance which promoted questioning authority!. also because the reformtion added to questioning religious power and secularism so the government got the powerr!.!.!. and yeah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very important change in history when the populace changed their view and ideals concerning how they would be governed!. Instead of being ruled, the people demanded a voice and some form of control over their governments!. Some changes were more violent than others!. Still, the change caused government and people to relate to each other completely different than ever before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

even if i am good at history why on earth would i want to!? that's a lot of work and what do i get out of it!? i think you should do your own darn homework!Www@QuestionHome@Com

u ever heard of plagerism!? Its illegal mate
do ur own work
Wow best answer!?
Reality check
No-one cares enough about getting 'best answer to write u an essay'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try to distill 100 years of European history down into 25 worsds or less, then work from there!. What you are doning now is copying by rearranging words!. tsk tsk tskWww@QuestionHome@Com

take it easy lisa simpson the summer holidays just started lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess that might be cheating!.!. it sounds like you copy/pasted an assignment you've been given!?

Cheats never prosper :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, not me!.

But I'm good at hugs though, come here for a biiiig huuuug!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
