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Position:Home>History> How do you justified the Atomic bombing of Japan?

Question: How do you justified the Atomic bombing of Japan!?
The 2 atom bomb killed 1 million innocent Japanese women and children!.I believe Japan was about to surrender but America dropped the bomb anyways cause they want to show the world,especially Russia not to mess with them!.If you think it was justified then the terrorist attack on innocent American civilian on 9/11 would also be justified!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was unjustifiable genocide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must add that the terrific resistance the Japanese troops put up in the battles of 1945 when they were "about to surrender" would indicate that in fact, they were not even close to surrendering!. They were sending a clear signal to the American leadership that it would cost them dearly to conquer Japan!. Most people at the time considered it a military decision, not "genocide", which means extermination of an entire people!. It was presumed at the time to have saved both Japanese and American lives!. Judging an historical event really needs to be done in the context of the time it happened, not retrospectively through the lens of modern attitudes!.

The attack on 9/11 was not comparable as we were not at war with the people who committed that act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bomb was dropped to stop the war, which it did!. I seriously doubt that the Japaense would have surrendered any time soon if the bomb had not been dropped!.

furthermore, it did not kill two million people!. About 140,000 were killed by the bomb on Hiroshima, and about another 80,000 by the bomb on Nagasaki!. A total of 220,000, or less than a quarter of a million!. A lot of people, true, but nothing like the two million figure that you claim!.

If the war had gone on, thousands more allied lives would have been lost, both the lives of soldiers and of the 'innocent women and children' who were dying in the foul internment camps that the Japs put them in!. and a great many more Japanese lives as well, including those of 'innocent women and children'!.

when you are fighting a war, you use whatever means is in your power to win that war!. The atomic bomb was the means used by America, and a jolly good thing too in my opinion!.

if the 9/11 attack was intended to put an end to a war, it was a dismal failure, and as a war-stopping tactic it clearly did not work!. Dropping the atom bomb did!.

Who are you to say that the bomb should not have been dropped!? Would you be willing to lay down your life to save any of the 'innocent women and children' who died when it was dropped!? I bet you wouldn't!. so what right have you to demand that the lives of allied soldiers and civilians should have been sacrificed in order to save those 'innocent women and children'!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well Japan were losing the war but they could still keep the war going for a couple more years and that ended the war much earlier and a lot more people would have died then did in the atomic bombsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Japan was far from surrendering!. The bomb saved more lives by ending the war early!.

The 9/11 attack served to start a war, not end one early!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't justify genocide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com