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Position:Home>History> Question About The 1912 sinking of Titanic???

Question: Question About The 1912 sinking of Titanic!?!?!?
I am doing some research and I found some very interesting stuff about the 1912 sinking of Titanic, but That leaves only one question I am unsure about!. Is the Wreckage of Titanic still at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!?!? (2008) I tried finding this answer on so many sites, but I have not found an answer yet!. Can you please help!?!?!? 10 points issued to someone for the most accurate answer!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The wreckage is still there and will remain so!. The Titanic is so badly corroded that lifting it up is no longer feasible!. It would probably breakup before it reached the surface!. Certain groups have tried to protect the site from treasure hunters and souvenir hunters but with little success!. The wreck is in International Waters and open to all!. By 'all' I mean very few as the wreck is too deep down for most salvage operations!. A french salvage team has already taken some artifacts from to Titanic and as a result their reputation has been tarnished if not ruined!.
There are efforts underway to have it declared a grave site!. Hopefully that will keep the 'vultures' from desecrating the wreck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the wreckage is still and will always be at the bottom of the ocean!.
I believe that a resolution or law was passed saying that nothing more can be removed from the site!.
also I do think we have the technology to raise as wreckage from as deep of water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. And there is a plaque on it that says to leave it rest in peace!. However, many divers have gone down and taken things for exhibits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is!. The wreckage was discovered in 1985 by Dr Robert BallardWww@QuestionHome@Com

they located it (not sure what year) but it still lies on the ocean floorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is still on the bottom of the ocean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its still down theirWww@QuestionHome@Com