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Position:Home>History> Who is millard fillmore? why was he such a great president?

Question: Who is millard fillmore!? why was he such a great president!?
a!. why is he remembered today!?
b!. what important accomplishements did he do!?
c!. why is he famous!?

p!.s!. please don't say he is famous because he is president!! thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To start with he wasn't a great president !. He's not remembered today !. Just ask anybody !. They'll tell you they have never heard of Millard Fillmore !.
A!. he was never elected or nominated to be president !.
B!. he ended slave trade in Washington D!.C!. while ordering federal Marshall to assist in tracking down escaped slaves
C!.he really isn't !! He was hated even in his own time !. Fillmore was a bottom 5 president !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Millard Fillmore was one of our presidents who actually was born in a log cabin!. Born to a poor farmer in New York, Fillmore was able to educate himself enough to become a prosperous New York attorney!. He was elected to the House of Representatives four times and was named Zachary Taylor's vice president!. The Whig candidates won the election of 1848 and when Taylor died in 1850, Fillmore became president!. He delayed the civil war by a decade in signing the Compromise of 1850!. He was not renominated by the Whigs but did run for president as candidate of the American, or Know Nothing Party in 1856!. He was an anti-Catholic and pro nativism and while a supporter of the Union, he did not like Lincoln's policies!. He was the first president to establish the White House Library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com