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Position:Home>History> How did communism affect the world in 20th cent? 10 pts reward!!!?

Question: How did communism affect the world in 20th cent!? 10 pts reward!!!!?
What is the significant of the Russian Revolution!? The cold war!?
How did communism affect the world economically and politically!?


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Communism affected the world with the Cold War!. also socialsm in Europe to give more benefits to common people!. In addition, the Space Race put billions into the economy and lead to the US landing on the moon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, the Russian revolution hearkened back to the "good ol days" of the French Revolution, which made the monarchs uneasy!.!.!.!. so everyone was a bit scared of this "communism", this "people doing as they pleased" laissez-faire crap

the cold war was america and the soviets trying to see who had the most toys, which again, made a lot of people uneasy because with a lot of nukes like that it can't end well can it!?!?

communism killed the economy and politics basically in the "communist countries" like the former Soviet Union and the Republic of China!.!.!.

basically, communism scared everyone!. and communism was never by the book Communism!. So everyone was hesitant to consort with the communist countries and that made things a little rocky until the Soviet Union died!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Russia signed a peace treaty with Germany and bowed out of WW 1 before the rest of the world had settled their differences!.

Millions of people, mostly peasants, died during the early years of the Russian Revolution!. Later Stalin established a totalitarian state!.

Most of the world feared and hated the changes that were taking place under Lenin and then under Stalin!. There was a lot of pressure to adopt socialism when the Great Depression began in 1929!. Mexico nationalized its petroleum company; FDR's reforms were designed largely to prevent socialism in the U!.S!.A!.

Hitler & Stalin signed a non-aggression pact, but Hitler later violated it and invaded the USSR!. No country suffered as much as did the USSR in the war!.

At the end of the war, the USSR dominated eastern and central Europe, and they set up puppet governments in a number of countries!. Germany was divided!. Greece went through a civil war!.

Korea was divided into two parts!. The Communists defeated the nationalists in China!. France was driven out of Vietnam by nationalists, who later became communists!.

The Cold War was a power struggle between the US and the USSR during a forty year period after WW 2!. Several proxy wars, notably in Korea and Vietnam, were fought, but client states of both powers struggled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After the Russian Revolution, the Russian people began spinning the other way, leading to the Russian Counter-Revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com