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Position:Home>History> Why should Hitler be chosen the "person of 20th cent"? 10 pts reward!?

Question: Why should Hitler be chosen the "person of 20th cent"!? 10 pts reward!!?
Every year, TIME magazine chooses the "person of the year" based on their influence to the world (it doesn't necessarily have to be good influence, it can be bad influence like Osama has)!. So in your opinion, define "influence"!. And why should Hitler be chosen the person of 20th cent!?

Thank u so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hitler is certainly one of the most recognizable characters of the 20th Century!. He has been described as the 'world's best politician' before he started murdering people!. He brought Germany out of the deepest Depression ever!. He got the country working again - began building roads all over Germany - got German industry rebuilt and online!.

Of course he was doing this so he could start a HUGE war!. But prior to the wars and prior to the murders, Germany had quite an interesting leader - extremely influential all over the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To see a definition of "influence" - try an online dictionary!.

Hitler should not be chosen as "Person of the 20th Century" as there were many more individuals who did more to help their own people without subverting their nation's democracy into a dictatorship, confining their political opponents in concentration camps and murdering them, and replaying the First World War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they're reffering to influence and used it to improve or change their world, not killing ang slaughterin 6 million people!. And starting a global war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com