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Position:Home>History> Why should Adolf Hitler be chosen the "person of 20th cent"? 10 pts re

Question: Why should Adolf Hitler be chosen the "person of 20th cent"!? 10 pts reward!!?
Every year, TIME magazine chooses the "person of the year" based on their influence to the world (it doesn't necessarily have to be good influence, it can be bad influence like Osama has)!. So in your opinion, define "influence"!. And why should Hitler be chosen the person of 20th cent!?

Thank u so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Adolph Hitler, whilst being criminally insane and inherrently evil, had a huge influence on the 20th Century!.

Up until that point wars had always been seen as neccessary and Europe especially had plenty of wars and conflict going back to the Romans!. Hitler's agressive war, which encompassed all of the world not just Europe, showed the world how atrocious war was!.

The war against Hitler/Germany also galvanised world powers, such as making the US realise that they should get involved in world politics rather than the isolationsim they were wanting, and made previous long time enemies (France and England) strong allies!.

After the war such organisations as the United Nations were set up to try and avoid large scale wars and engage in negotiation rather than conflict!.

NATO, formed from the League of Nations, was also set up to be a global peaec keeping force to try and difuse wars rather than start them!.

Wars necessitate the development of technology to produce better weapons than the enemy!. For example, whilst WW1 brought aeroplanes to the battlefield, the developments during WW2 pushed airspace technology faster than it would in peacetime!.

Without Hitler, a lot of todays society would not be as it is, like it or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adolf may or may not have been insane, but his mind may have been goofed up by venerial disease and or some other diseases!. Its possible he may have been bipolar too!. But if you hear the words evil dictator, crossed with 20th century, who do you think of!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ok, maybe stalin comes to mind!. or mussolini!.!.!.!. or tojo!. i dont think hirohito was really the evil mastermind of japanese atrocities , but i suppose he got blamed!. You could also look at heinrich himmler, or even Sgt!. Alvin York for influential people!. Alvin york started out a hellraiser according to the movie about him, became a born again christian, and a conscientious objector, then killed and captured a bunch of enemy troops during ww1 , while trying to save his fellow troops!. Or you also have ernie pyle, Omar Bradley, etc!. im forgetting someone else who won almost every award there was, but im under stress and not thinking clearly!. But, back to the subject, adolf hitler and his lethal shenanigans would be logical for man of the centuryWww@QuestionHome@Com