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Question: History Final!. HELP!!?
What action did Kennedy take to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis
a)turned the matter over to the UN
b)ordered an air strike on Cuban soil to destroy missile sites
c)ordered a naval blockade of shipments to Cuba
d)resumed underground nuclear testing
e)put our B52 bombers on red alert

Which of these was not a Muckraker in the Progressive Era
a)Upton Sinclair
b)Ida Tarbell
c)William Randolph Hearst
d)Lincoln Stefans
e)Jacob Riis

Which of the following writings did NOT lead to effective reform legislation
a)The Jungle – Upton Sinclair
b)Unsafe at Any Speed – Ralph Nader
c)Silent Spring – Rachael Carson
d)The Feminine Mystique – Betty Friedan

Which of these was not a cause of WWI
b)worldwide economic depression

Which was NOT a provision of the Social Security Act
a)lower interest rates on loans to senior citizens
b)unemployment insurance
c)established a pen
d)created aid to the handicapped


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What action did Kennedy take to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis
c)ordered a naval blockade of shipments to Cuba

Which of these was not a Muckraker in the Progressive Era
c)William Randolph Hearst

Which of the following writings did NOT lead to effective reform legislation
d)The Feminine Mystique – Betty Friedan

Which of these was not a cause of WWI

Which was NOT a provision of the Social Security Act
a)lower interest rates on loans to senior citizensWww@QuestionHome@Com