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Question: World history please help !?
hey ya'll im stuck on these 2 world history questions and i really need some help so if you can please help me!. 10points and best and best answer!.

In Jean-Jacques Rousseau's concept of a social contract, !?

a!.an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will!.

b!.punishments are not exercises in brutality, and capital punishment is discarded!.

c!.the government should not interfere in economic matters!.

d!.women should be granted rights nearly equal to those of men!.

Montesquieu's most lasting contribution to political thought was his!?

a!.analysis of the governmental system of checks and balances!.

b!.identification of the natural laws that governed human society!.

c!.theory that the government should interfere with religious matters!.

d!.idea that punishments should be brutal to be effectiveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A) This is the very definition of Rousseau's social contract!.

A) He spoke at length of splitting a government into a legislative, executive and jucicial branch in order to monitor and limit each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com