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Question: Apush help!?
Question:Which statement has the LEAST veracity!?

1!. When Christopher Columbus saw land upon sailing east from Europe, he believed he had arrived in the Indies and appropriately called the inhabitants Indians!.

2!. America was named after an Italian tourist who wrote popular accounts of his voyages along South America, which he called "The New World!."

3!. After several failures to acquire financial backing for his expedition, Columbus received support for three ships from Queen Isabella of Spain!.

4!. Historians now believe that Columbus initially encountered the Bahamian islands, then in subsequent trips sailed further west to San Salvador, Cuba, and Central America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1 because he sailed West trying to prove that he would end up in India!. He believed the world was round while the popular believe was that earth was flat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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