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Position:Home>History> APUSH anyone?!(ap us history)?

Question: APUSH anyone!?!(ap us history)!?
Americans appeared in which order (from the earliest to the most recent)!?
1!. Christopher Columbus, Norsemen, Great Migration members, Hopi and Zuni Indians!.

2!. Great Migration members, Hopi and Zuni Indians, Norsemen, Christopher Columbus!.

3!. Hopi and Zuni Indians, Norsemen, Christopher Columbus, Great Migration members!.

4!. Norsemen, Christopher Columbus, Hopi and Zuni Indians, Great Migration members!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's 3 ---> the Native American tribes were obviously the first people in North America; explorers from Scandinavia/etc [ie Lief Ericson] came next, but did not make permanent settlemens; Columbus's discovery of "India" aka the West Indies led to Spanish, British and French settlement of North America, a mass of Puritans migrated to North America around the late fifteenth century to escape religous persecution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is AP history!? I'd say #2!. This is phrased oddly, because Columbus and the Norsemen are not "Americans!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

neither of the answers are correct!. The Norsemens weren't Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
