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Position:Home>History> What was the last war started by a democrat?

Question: What was the last war started by a democrat!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Vietnam wasn't technically a war!. In fact, most democratic war ventures ever get called wars!. not that, that would not even be the most recent!.

Try Bosnia, or Somalia!. Again, the democrat in office didn't call them wars!. We just invaded another country, deposed their leadership, and fought battles against opposing forces!. That's not a war right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"started by a democrat!?"!. That's like saying that George Bush started 9-11 or that FDR started WW-2!.

The reality is that there are very few wars "started" by either republicans or democrats!.

--Kosovo: that was about ethnic cleansing and the Serbs laying claim to that territory, sending in military forces!. We didn't start that!. It did happen on Clinton's watch though!.

--Mogadishu: again, a civil war in Somalia!. US forces intervened under George H!. Bush!. But it's not like the US started that Civil War!.

--Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh was there when FDR was President and he was fighting the Japanese!. Eisenhower was aiding the French!. I imagine you could say that Kennedy "started" that war in that our involvement militarily began under him but there was fighting and insurgency before any US troops touched Vietnamese soil!.

If you want to identify wars from the last 40 years that America "started" it would be a very short list:
--Iraq (OIF)
--Afghanistan (and that could be argued we were just responding to an attack by Al Qaeda who was sponsored and protected by the Afghani Govt--the Taliban)!.
--Panama (George H!. Bush), kind of hard to claim that's a war but if you stretch the definition I guess you could claim it!.
--Grenada (Ronald Reagan), again, kind of hard to argue that's a war!.
--Vietnam (Kennedy), it went from an insurgency to a major conflict with our involvement so it's reasonable to argue that he "started" that war although if we had not introduced advisors or aid, there still would have been fighting in S!. Vietnam!.

--You'd also have to decide how you treated Cambodia and Laos (under Nixon)!. Are they part of "Vietnam" or do they deserve separate war status!?

FDR didn't start WW-2!. Truman didn't start Korea!. Clinton didn't start the fighting in the former Yugoslavia or Kosovo!. Clinton did launch cruise and aircraft strikes into Iraq after it was clear that they had attempted to assassinate George H!. Bush and also into Somalia in an attempt to take out terrorists!. Reagan launched attacks into Libya for similar reasons!. But all of those instances (Iraq, Somalia and Libya) really don't constitute "wars" in my perspective!. You'd also have to decide where you include covert wars (Jimmy Carter started US aid to the mujahadeen in Afghanistan--did he "start" that war and if so, was our involvement a "war"!? How about Ronald Reagan and the contras in Nicaragua!? Or aid to the Govt!. of El Salvador!?)!. Or how about the Cold War (on Harry Truman's watch)!? Or Hugo Chavez of Venezvuela insists that he's at "war" with the USA!? What about police actions like Lebanon (Reagan sent Marines into Beirut and we suffered casualties when they were car bombed, we also shelled positions from offshore--does that qualify as a "war"!?)!.

One last point, constitutionally speaking, a "war" requires a declaration of war by the US Congress!. In otherwords, we're not at war until Congress declares war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vietnam with Kennedy/Johnson!.!.!.assuming your willing to call that a war!.!.!.!.Korea with Truman!.!.!.WWII with FDR

I thought Bosnia was UN backed though and it wasn't "our war"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vietnam was started by Lyndon JohnsonWww@QuestionHome@Com

I Think it might of being the Cold WarWww@QuestionHome@Com

US involvement in Bosnia by Clinton!.!.!.!.remember!?Www@QuestionHome@Com