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Position:Home>History> If we could compare the gas cruch crises to the story of the Titanic?

Question: If we could compare the gas cruch crises to the story of the Titanic!?
how close to the "iceberg" are we exactly!? I hope this question makes some sense because I don't know how else to ask it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ah, a very good question!. And I really like the format you have framed it in!. At present, we are very close to the ice berg!. On the other hand, the open and clear ocean is just off the port bow!. That open and clear ocean - at present - is the 85 percent of oil reserves that are here on our own soil that have been deemed off limits by the Democrats and the Green Teams!. There is a vast amount of oil here in the U!.S!. that has been declared unavailable for drilling!. Pres!. Bush had to go to Saudi Arabia three weeks ago to ASK if they would increase production!. Of course, they said "No"!. All the while we cannot increase production here!. Crazy huh!?

True, there is an ice berg in our path!. And the opposing politics who are at the steering wheel refuse to turn it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not see how you can compare thse two things!. They are apples and oranges!. The Titanic was a combination of poor engineering, poor materials, poor seamanship and poor design, all coming together through coincidence, an accident waiting to happen and when they did NOT slow down when entering a known ice field, their fate was sealed!. On the other hand the gas crisis is a function of economic forces through the actions od supply and demand, which are intentional actions caused mainly by speculators driving the market!. One event is intentional, the other accidental, so you really can make no comparison that is meaningful!. Like I said, apples and oranges!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com