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Position:Home>History> Compare the society and way of life in the victorian era to today?

Question: Compare the society and way of life in the victorian era to today!?
back then manners was everything!.!.!. but look at today!. we are totally unrestricted

should WE take a leaf of the victorians way of life!?!?!? what are your thoughts!? what can we learn from thier way of lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, everything was different!. Parents had their children early into good marriages to bebefit them!. Families were a whole lot closer!. People were just brought up better than today!. We should take a page from them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Compare today's society with the way of life in the Victorian era!." -- This is not a question!.

"Back then manners were everything, but if you look at some people today, they are totally unrestricted!." Using your argument - manners are restrictions!. Reading your question - you too must be one of the "unrestricted" you refer to!.

"Should we take a leaf from the way of life in the Victorian era!? Can we learn from their way of life!?"

We most definitely can learn from the way of life in the Victorian era!. Those who were literate could spell and use English grammar effectively - how sad it has become that, like manners, some people see proper spelling and grammar as another "restriction" to their ability to write!.

Even here on Yahoo! Answers we can "restrict" ourselves and say "Please" and "Thank you" too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com