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Position:Home>History> System of Slavery Development?

Question: System of Slavery Development!?
What was the development of the system of slavery, and how did it become entrenched in north America!. What where the effects of the slave trade both on enslaved Africans and on the economic and political life of America!. What type of slavery existed in North American and what was slaves life like in the colonies!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can write twenty pages on loaded questions like that!.

But here's a summary from what I've learned in high school:

1!. Many original British colonies, particularly in the South had economies based on tobacco, a valuable commodity at the time!.
2!. Britain had a system of promogeniture, where only first born nobility got entitlement to wealth!. Many British gentry who were not first born wanted to come to the new world to get rich quick!.
3!. Tobacco cultivation was labor intensive, so the gentry weren't going to do the work themselves!.
4!. The nobles hire those from Britain who were in debt as indentured servants as well as native Americans to cultivate tobacco!. After a certain time, after their "debt" was paid, the indentured servants were released from service and many went into the trade themselves to make money!. Notably, during this time, these laborers were black and white alike!.
5!. There was a high mortality rate because of the hard labor and poor living conditions, and the colonies were running out of native americans and european, so they turned to Africans!.
6!. By the time of the American Revolution, slavery was vital to the economy of the agricultural southern colonies!.

This is quick summary of early slavery in North America!.

The other questions require heavily analytical responses!. I have a few historians to look up if you're really interested!.Www@QuestionHome@Com