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Position:Home>History> What were the roots of the scientific revolution?

Question: What were the roots of the scientific revolution!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The roots of the scientific revolution are in the Renaissance around the 15th and 16th centuries!. The Renaissance was a reawakening of Greek and Roman ideas and concepts that had been lost and/or hidden by the Roman Catholic Church of the time!.
While many only know that the Renaissance spawned some of the most magnificent works of our art in history, it was also a time of redefining what it meant to be a catholic and how the church didn't necessarily control every doctrine!. This opened scientists up to discoveries that church didn't exactly agree with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was John Locke, who's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" http://oregonstate!.edu/instruct/phl302/t!.!.!. made him the "father of Reason!." He argued that the mind was "tabula rasa," and his rousing emphasis on the importance of scientific enquiry touched off a flurry of scientific experimentation that continues to this day!.

"Locke summed up the Enlightenment in his belief in the middle class and its right to freedom of conscience and right to property, in his faith in science, and in his confidence in the goodness of humanity!. His influence upon philosophy and political theory has been incalculable!. "