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Question: American Revolution and signing of the Declaration fo Independence!?
At the end of the French and Indian War in 1763, nearly all American colonists considered themselves British citizens!. Yet, in just over a decade, teh colonists had declared their independence from Great Britain and were in open warfare against the most powerful country in the world!. What were the major factors, ideas, and events that let to the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration fo independence in 1776!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If I recall, part of the problem was that King George was fighting a war against France and it was draining his coffers!. He raised the taxes on the colonists which of course angered many!. They attempted to appeal the increase but had no legal representation in the British government!. They were citizens but didn't have the same voice as citizens that lived in England!. This brought out the cry "No taxation without representation"!.

England started raising taxes on items shipped to the colonies also, tea was as important to the colonials as coffee is to most Americans today!. As a means of protest, a group of men dressed as Indians in a thin disguise boarded a British freighter and dumped bales of tea into the Boston Harbor!. This act of course brought reprisals by British soldiers which further infuriated the locals!.

As open rebellion was becoming more and more obvious, the local British rulers decided it would be in their best interest to disarm the colonists!. He sent a contingent to empty the armory at Concord-Lexington!. Word got out to the colonists and they met the soldiers at a bridge!. History is unsure who fired the "shot heard round the world"!.

Put all this together with the independent nature of citizens born here and you have a powder keg touched off by the shot on that bridge!. The rest, as they say is history!.

Here's a link that gives you some easy to understand explanations: http://www2!.lhric!.org/pocantico/revoluti!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Britain ended up with a large debt because of the French-Indian War!. It was decided that since it was to protect the coloney, that the coloney should pay back the war debt!. A series of taxes were passed that were strictly for the American colonists!. The taxes were the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea Act!.
Since an Englishman's right is not to be taxed without consent, the colonists believed they were entitled to be asked whether they should be taxed or not!. As a result, since they were not taxed with consent, they decided after many incidents to declare themselves independent from Britain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

taxes and not having their own freedom to make their own government!. they felt britain was using them too much just for the trading and taxing which was making them a lot of money, and they felt neglected that britain wasn't trying to help them as a people as much as trying to make money!. they wanted their own freedom and their own government to make their own decisions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This looks like something for your history exam, and you could probably find all the information on the web, or "shhhhh" in your textbook!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No idea!. I'm not an American, a Brit or a French!. I'm Australian and proud of itWww@QuestionHome@Com