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Position:Home>History> (RUSSIA) How did Stalin remove the threat of other communist leaders?

Question: (RUSSIA) How did Stalin remove the threat of other communist leaders!?
Such as Trotsky, Kemenev and Zinoviev!.
What did Stalin do to them!?
what happened to them afterwards!?

Thankyou to anyone who answers!. It is greatly appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well many of his ministers were tortured secretly!. Their family's were threatened, and they were attacked brutally!. This went on until such time as show trials were held!. They had been so brutally attacked and feared for their familys, so in trial, they confessed to ludicrous crimes, and were either imprisoned, executed, sent to labour camps, or else put in exile!.
Trotsky was exiled, but eventually Stalin sent hitmen, and he was killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The attack was made upon Trotsky by Franck Johnson, who is described as a French Jew!. Trotsky, it is stated, invited Johnson to take afternoon tea with him and Johnson was therefore not searched, as are most people entering Trotsky's carefully guarded home in the city suburbs!. According to the police Johnson had a small pickaxe, of the type used by Boy Scouts, hidden in his trousers!. He is alleged to have attacked Trotsky suddenly, battering his skull and injuring his right shoulder and right knee!. According to one of his bodyguards Trotsky's last words before he became unconscious were "I think Stalin has finished the job he started!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

My money would be on the NKVD and specifically Lavrentiy Beria who headed up the organization from 1938 until shortly after Stalin's death in '53Www@QuestionHome@Com