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Position:Home>History> What were the effects of nazi policies on people?.... benefits?

Question: What were the effects of nazi policies on people!?!.!.!.!. benefits!?
any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The area of society that benefitted the most from the Nazi regieme was the agricultural sectors, farmers and the like!. This is because Hitler wanted germany to become self-sufficient, down to a mixture of nationalism and lessons learned from the end of the first world war and the allied naval blocade!. Therefore farmers were given large subsidies and there was readily availiable slave labour!.
To be honest, your question is massive! Nazi policies affected every area of peoples lives!
I'll start with the obvious, opponents and 'undesirables' (jews, jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals, the disabled, mentally ill, communists, catholics and others) were imprisonned and murdered!. They lost their jobs (much of the nazi's on the face of it amazing turnaround on unemployment rates was because large amounts of the poulation, including all women were sacked)!.
Women, as stated above, lost their jobs!. They were encouraged to stick to the 'thee K's' - Kinde Kirche Kuche, children, church, cooking!. Child bearing was considered their most important role!.
I'm running out of time, but here's some websites that should help -Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well in Hitler's early years as the fuhrer, he was able to create jobs which helped the German people which helped the german people with the bad economhy!. He also exceeded a sense of nationalism for the people as he was against the Treaty of Versailles and he went about to break the conditions of the agreement (taking over the Rhineland, Building up the army, etc!.!.!.) Of course if you did not support the Nazi party you would be persecuted (Jews, Communist, Mentally and Physically disabled, etc!.!.!.) All in all in the early years of his reign the majority of the people loved him but once the war got bad in Russia he started to lose his popularityWww@QuestionHome@Com

At first it brought them out of a depression but then killed jews, homosexuals, librals(anybody whodidn't support them), gypsies/roma, communists, and the disabled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com