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Position:Home>History> What was the civil war cavalry? Plz explain in simple words. Thx.?

Question: What was the civil war cavalry!? Plz explain in simple words!. Thx!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cavalry refers to mounted soldiers or soldiers on horses!. During the Civil War these soldiers were armed with sabers and repeating rifles!. They could move from place to place much faster than infantry or foot soldiers!. A cavalry charge (on horseback) could be devastating to infantry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Civil War era cavalry used rifles, some pistols, some sabres!. Not lances and armor!. I am not sure how much damage a cavalry charge had on infantry!. If not caught by surprise and infantry unit could pour fire into a cavalry unit and decimate it!.

Cavalry ceased to become a major instrument of direct combat a long time ago--meaning, to destroy enemy units!. Cavalry fought other cavalry!. They used their speed to suprise the enemy and avoid becoming entangled with other ground forces--infantry units were also larger (more men) than cavalry units!. Their main role in the Civil War was as scouts, raiders, and to disrupt enemy communications and supply!. Read up on Stuart, Morgan, or Forrest to find out more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Civil War cavalry was armed men (men with weapons) on horses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com