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Position:Home>History> The very wealthy in america were not robber barons?

Question: The very wealthy in america were not robber barons!?
can you tell me why!?!?!?!?!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A robber baron gets ahead by victimizing people, not creating products!.

The wealthiest Americans in the 17th century were farmers and those who invested in shipping!. In the 18th century, the wealthiest were plantation owners, merchants, inventors, and far-sighted businessmen who invested in shipping both on land and sea!. In the 19th century, same thing but you add the steel producers and manufacturing and railroad magnates!.

The truth is the wealthiest Americans all along have been those who have produced a good product and done it well!. They are not only wealthy, but respected!. And they didn't get there by beating people down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem is, they were!.
But how could you argue that they were not!?

Most pro-capitalist writers would argue that super wealthy people like Andrew Carnegie and John Rockefeller got where they were through hard work and intelligence!. Did they work hard!? Most biographers would say yes!.
But did they get rich by also exploiting the people who worked for them!? Yes!.

Social Darwinism is a theory that explains why rich people should be rich!. It should prove very useful in answering your question!.

If you are referring to the 19th century fortunes (Astor, Vanderbilt, etc!.), yes, they were!. Mostly, railroads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com