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Position:Home>History> Why did everyone forget that Clinton had the worst recession since the depressio

Question: Why did everyone forget that Clinton had the worst recession since the depression!.!?
and now Demo crats are saying they can save the greatest economy since wwii!?

There is a reason demo's only won 3 of the last 10 presedential elections!. They hurt America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
we are not in a reccesion now, you liberals seem to forget that you are still and American!.!.!.!.!.!.!.you still can afford that big old flat screen tv, that spiffy little car , always have food in your bellies, and dont have to worry about walking down the street and get kidanpped b your own goverment or semarily massacred on the streets!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.you whine too much, bush is doing the right thing by looking at the earth not as a bunch of little nations with us at the top, but as Human Beings!.!.!.!.!.!.!.you need to help your fellow man!.!.!.!.!.and that means sacrifices!.!.!.!.!.all the Demorcratic party has done is totally wiped out any self sense of brotherhood in humanity and cause americans to only think inward about their own well-being!.!.!.!.!.!.!.the world used to be that way!.!.!.and i miss those daysWww@QuestionHome@Com

There were ups and downs during the Clinton administrations!. There is in every four year cycle, but your assertion that America experienced "the worst recession" since the depression is clearly an exaggeration!. Over the eight years that Clinton was in office the United States experienced the longest and greatest period of economic expansion in three generations!. This is fact and clearly documented!. also, Clinton's government balanced at least four budgets and had surpluses!. Economically, there is absolutely no comparison between Bush I and II and Mr!. Clinton!. He surrounded himself with intelligent and capable people and let them do their jobs!. When he left office, if I am not mistaken, his approval rating was well over 50% and pundits speculated that if he were permitted to run again he would have been re-elected!. I think the Democrats are in far better shape to fix this mess than the Republicans!. Bush, Cheney and the war pigs in the Pentagon are financially, ethically and intellectually bankrupt!. No one is saying Obama is a saviour but he is a fresh face with a perspective that Bush et al are not even aware exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never fail to be astounded and aghast that even now, there are still people who defend anything about George Bush!. Don't you realize that most of your own party doesn't even approve of the job he's done!?

I remember that Clinton inherited a recession and when he left office, he had the largest surplus in the modern history of our country, a surplus Bush has now squandered and turned into a deficit that makes Ronald Reagan's ALMOST disappear from memory!. I remember that the Republican Party was fond of saying that George Bush inherited a recession from Clinton, when in fact, it was a market adjustment because of overinvesting, a practice Clinton warned Americans against, but clearly, a lot of Americans cling obstinately to bad concepts!.

I don't know how old you are, but I'm 40!. I've lived through a decent share of presidents and this country has, with the exception of Jimmy Carter, always been stronger and HAPPIER and MORE FREE under Democrats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to agree with both Bookish & Jesse!.!.!.!.!.!.when Clinton was in office, I had a job, had money in my pocket and was not so worried that my family is going to lose their home!. With Bush and his pro-rich policies and his "forget the little people" crap there are not many people who can say they haven't been financially damaged during Bush's "reign"!. BTW, did anyone notice that although they are not calling this a recession, this will be the 2nd since Bush baby has been in office!? I'm not sure anyone can get us out of this decline we're in right now!. Brace yourselves for Great Depression 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All I know is when Clinton was President, my IRA account had double what it has now!. I wasn't paying over $4!.00 a gallon for gas!. My sister and husband were employed by companies that have, in the past year, gone out of business!. I remember that Clinton balanced the budget, whereas the current administration has run up the biggest deficit in our history!.
Clinton has been out of office for almost 8 years now!. Even if he were as bad as the right wingers say, it would not improve our current situation even one bit!. Warren Harding was a worse President than Bush--does that make you feel any better!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

This country is pretty much split down the middle over which political party can do things for our country!. The problem is that half the country are morons according to the other half, regardless of which side you are on!. Each side seems to have forgotten the debacles of their former leaders!. We have not yet had a president that someone somewhere does not think was the worse president ever and I am sure we never will!.

But a president doesn't live in a vacuum!. And there has never been a decision I am willing to wager, that has not been tempered by some kind of compromise!. It is not about the party as much as the price one is willing to sell ones self at!. Honest politician is an oxymoron!. I don't care which 50% you belong to, whoever you elect is only looking out for themselves!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because everyone's too focused on hating Bush to remember that!. :PWww@QuestionHome@Com