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Position:Home>History> Did the Roman Catholic Church ever ex-communicate Hitler, like they did Fidel Ca

Question: Did the Roman Catholic Church ever ex-communicate Hitler, like they did Fidel Castro!?
It seems Fidel Castro was a far better person that Hitler!.

I believe that Castro was ex-communicated!.

Did the RC church do this to Hitler as well!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, Hitler never was ex-communicated!. But even if he were I don't really think this would've affected his politics in any way!.!.!. Let's remember that Elizabeth I and Napoleon, when they were ex-communicated, didn't seem to care at all and did not change their doings!.!.!. Hitler even said once that (this isn't an exact quote, as I'm translating from a Polish site) "he'd prefer (!.!.!.) to be ex-communicated for some time than to owe gratitude to the Church"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com