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Position:Home>History> Why do people from different states assume that people from Texas are all countr

Question: Why do people from different states assume that people from Texas are all country!?!?
im from Texas but im not country i like to skate and play basket ball i live in a neighborhood not 10 acres of nothing but cattle!.And i go to a public school with 859 other people not including teachersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why do people assume that all Canadians like Hockey and go around saying eh and drink Beer!? It's just stereotypes that are propagated by the media!. They entertain, and people remember what's funny!. That's my take!


Its the way the media chooses to portray people and places!. I have a friend in BC Canada who gets really upset when someone asks her about igloos!. On the other hand, before I went back east the first time, I didn't think there was any land or trees there, I thought it was one giant cement jungle form Maine to Florida!. And I got that impression from television!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do people think that West Virginians are nothing but hillbillies!? It's something that will never go away!.!.!.stereotypes!. I'm from W!.V and attend WVU but people still think redneck!.!.!.and plus, people are just ignorant pricks!.!.!.!.can you believe that some people don't know that West Virginia is a state!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many Texans seem to present themselves that way, don't you think!.
But I know what you mean; I live in a suburb of New York City, and the ideas people have about us aren't too accurate or flattering, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To much John Wayne

Let them come on You rope them ILL brand them if thats what they are looking for

I dont know anybody that calls them self Tex that is from Texas
Besides I have 12 acresWww@QuestionHome@Com