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Position:Home>History> Guadalcanal?

Question: Guadalcanal!?
briefly what happened to it during World War 2!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
guadalcanal is an island in the south pacific that the japanese held during the war!. they had occupied it to use it as a staging ground for the possible invasion of australia and new zealand!. the japs had set up a series of airfields on the island and with them could control the sealanes around the area with their aircraft!. that would make our journey to the australian training grounds difficult if not impossible!.
after the japs had been turned back at coral sea and at midway, the americans launched a counteroffensive in the region!. the first land based attack on japanese held territory happened here!. the landings went for the most part unopposed but the japanese fought fiercely to maintain the island!. the battle lasted for seven months with the marines and the army taking possession of it in 1943!. for more information on it try these sites:
hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the first US counter offensive against the Japanese (the battles of Coral Sea and Midway were defensive battles)!. It was a long seven-month campaign that marked the first significant defeat of the Japanese in the Pacific!. Before Guadalcanal, no force had been able to stop the Japanese!. After Guadalcanal, it was a matter of steadily, bloodily pushing the Japanese off island after island on the way to the Japanese main islands!. I would suggest you visit the Wikipedia article on the Battle of Guadalcanal, which is listed below!. It gives a better short summary of the battle than I could!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the first American offensive to gain an airfield in the Pacific!. Both sides serially had severe intelligence failures in estimating the enemy force, so ignorance dictated a lot of the tactics on the island!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first real US attempt in the Pacific to challenge the Japanese forces in WWIIWww@QuestionHome@Com