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Position:Home>History> What was the point of D-day?

Question: What was the point of D-day!?
why did we do it!?
my book says we were attacking "German-held France" so were we attacking Germany or France!?!?!?
isn't France an ally!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i'll make this as short as possible!. the allied invasion of france was done to free the people of france from german occupation which had been going on since 1940!. another reason we invaded was due to our commitment to the russians for a second european front to help them!. yes, france was an ally!. they along with the british, declared war on germany on sept!. 3rd, 1939, after the german invasion of poland!. the germans invaded france in 1940 after the germans overtook belgium, the netherlands, denmark, and luxembourg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Free France was an ally at time of the D-day attack!. France, Belgium, Holland, and Denmark had been overrun by German forces!. Germany had stationed troops in all those countries and was controlling their governments!.

Free French military forces joined into the D-Day attack to drive the Germans out of their country!. D-day was viewed as liberating France from the Germans, rather than attacking the French people or government!. In fact, the French resistance (counter-insurgents) helped the allies significantly both before and after the D-day attack!.

This is a very simple answer to your question!. The full answer would take pages to explain the whole political situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

France was not an ally!. The northern part of France had been overrun in 1940, and the puppet government in Vichy set up!. Even that didn't hold, as the Germans occupied the remainder of France after the North African invasion (Torch)!.
The Free French in Great Britain and North Africa were allies, but they were not in control of their homeland!. The invasion of Normandy was needed because it threatened the Ruhr Valley, Germany's industrial heartland!. The Ruhr is closer to Normandy than it is to Berlin, so it was a major strategic threat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The point of D-Day, 6th June 1944, (D being the 4th plan of the invasion of France), was to land on the Normandy Beaches, Sword, Juno, Gold, (British 2nd army), Omaha, and Utah, (U!.S!. 1st army), operation overlord, and to Attack the Germans, free the occupied lands, and retreat all the way back to Germany, and end the war as soon as possible, it ended on may 8th 1945!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany had conquered France so we were attacking the Germans and it was also foothold in the eventual invasion and demise of Germany by the Allied forces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com