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Position:Home>History> I know that charles closed down parliament twice. What date was it the second ti

Question: I know that charles closed down parliament twice!. What date was it the second time!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
= Charles became King on 27 March 1625 a few months before his 25th birthday!.
= Charles closed Parliament in June of 1628, reconvened for three months (Jan-Mar 1629) before closing it again!.
= The next 11 years are known as the "Personal Rule"!.
= He reconvened in April 1640 and dissolved in May 1640 (known at the "Short Parliament")
= He reconvened in November 1640 until he entered the parliamentary chamber with an armed force on 4 January 1642, thus ending the "Long Parliament" and completely collapsing the government and starting the English Civil War!.
= He was executed on 30 January 1649!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually there were three early parliaments 1625-1629, all of which it could be said he closed down!. After that there were 11 years without parliaments, and then in April 1640 a parliament was called and dissolved a month later (the short parliament)!. Then he called the Long Parliament, which outlasted him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com