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Position:Home>History> Is it OK to believe that the United States is the worst country in the history o

Question: Is it OK to believe that the United States is the worst country in the history of the world!.!.!?
!.!.!.!.!.aside!.!.this should be good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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You can believe all sorts of things without getting put away!. In-patient Psychiatric help costs a lot of money, and there is no reason why the taxpayer should fund it if you are no harm to anybody including yourself, and you are responding to the tablets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds to me that you are trying to start an argument!. there are several countries that are or have been a lot worse than the u!.s!. for one, how about the russians, who sent millions to death with stalin's purges and his pogroms, or the chinese who also killed millions due to mao's beliefs, or the cambodian pol pot who killed 26% of his countries population!. how about the japanese and their systematic killing of millions of civilian chinese during ww2!? what about the germans during ww2 that sent millions of "undesirables" to the death camps in their strive for racial purity!? never mind the romans, incas, mayans, the moors, the mongolians under ghengis khan, or the arabs!. there are several that would be placed above the u!.s!. for worst country in history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can!.!.!. but, you would display your ignorance of such modern nations as Nazi Germany, Cambodia under Pol Pot, China under Mao Zedong, the Soviet Union, etc!. and etc!. and of past nations such as Russia under the Czars, Romania under Vlad the Impaler, Sparta and other examples, many listed by others whove answered this question!.

In addition to displaying your ignorance about recent and past history, you would be displaying your ignorance about why the United States has been a top destination of immigrants for about 200 years!. This is a nation where you can worship the God you want to worship, or worship no god at all!. This is a place where you can arrive with nothing and make something of yourself!. Not all have done that, but enough have done so that it inspires hope!. It is a place where you can express your views without worrying about jail!.

Look, the United States has its sins!. We fought a 400 year war of genocide against Native Americans, easily the worst sin of our nation, far surpassing the evil of the slave trade!. But, every nation has its sins!. Calling the US the worst nation on earth ignores our repentence over our sins and our active steps to rectify most of those sins!.

The nice thing about the US is that you can believe anything you want!. The ability to believe the US is the worst country in the history of the world and safely proclaim that message protected by the government's police, military and court systems, would make that belief a lie, however!. That would be your contradiction!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any reponse would be entirely biased and subjective!.

Worse than Nazi Germany that deliberately killed 6,000,000 Jews and other ethnic races!?

Or the The Soviets who killed as many or more in their Gulags and pogroms!?

Worse than the Mongols who destroyed entire nations and slaughtered their people for resisting!?

Worse than the Mayans and Aztecs whose human sacrifices murdered hundreds at a time at public festivals!?

Or the Romans who attended "sporting events", consisting of gladiators fighting to the death in the arena and unarmed captives torn apart by wild beasts as a form of public entertainment!?

To make an honest judgment means an objective assessment of both the good an evil that each of those cultures did, and weigh them objectively, not subjectively!.

By those measures, I would say the USA is the hardly the worst of any of them, despite it's often bad decisions and self-serving actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you look at their beginings YES!.everthing that they achieved!? came at the end of a gun,mass murder of native americans and stealing their lands,stealing other countries and making them their own,as an example texas,california,hawaii,tried it with canada but were soon pushed back,at least the british gave back the countries that they conquered,you are not the democratic country that you think you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, isn't that terrible!? the people, most at least, are well fed!. Anyone, I mean just anyone walking off the street, can walk into any medical facility in the U!.S!. and get some of the best care in the world, isn't that something now!?

Our education system isn't the greatest but, anyone can get a decent education and, believe this or not, can run for president!.

I don't know where you come from but, apparently you have the greatest system in the world, I would like to know where it is, you must feel very lucky!.

We're quite new, we've only been around for about 240 years, we didn't have very good mentors, the English you know, tried to enslave us but, we beat them back and set up our own system!.

Then, wouldn't you know it, now, everyone wants our help, in our armies to help fight corruption, to aid in natural disasters, etc!.

I just don't know what to say to you but, I would suggest you stay where you are, you see, we band together here for mutual aid and, I don't think you'd fit in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, that is not fair!. they donate the most AID of any country, they saved us in both WW1 & WW2!. they basically fund the entire UN!. We (australia) sunk into depression as we borrowed money from the US!. They may have bombed people but so have other countries!. They have given us so many great things and so many great people!. We all have our bad people but not one country can be labelled bad as a whole!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to say that, maybe, yes, it is ok, to believe that, well amounts the worst maybe, mind you that would all depend on what exactly you mean in which way the worst!.
Their worst mistake was to become independent from Britain!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.not worst--worse!. there are other country there with the "worst" history of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are others to claim that trophy; perhaps many if you categorise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It would show how little you know of the history of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would be unfair!

I am sure there were others just as bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America being part of the United Nations just have tried to rule the world as she wants, thats why she can't do anything good to us, because she wants to have a brighter future for herself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not the worst there are some worser, but at the way things are going its getting there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com