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Position:Home>History> What was alexander the great Macedonian or greek?

Question: What was alexander the great Macedonian or greek!?
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Alexander the Great [Megas Alexandros] was born July 20th 356 BC in Pella which was the ancient capital of Macedonia which was pronounce Ma'k'edonia and not as we now say Ma'c'edonia!.

He became King of Macedonia after the death of his father [to this day there is discussion as to whether it was organised by Alexander and his mother or the Persians or as many suggest revenge by a jilted lover]

He is Most definately Macedonian and NOT Greek

I do find it strange that in his day Macedonians were classed as backward and almost barbaric by the Greeks yet today they are quite happy to claim he is one of theirs!.

I think he would turn in his grave listening to some Greeks go on about him being Greek!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both!. Macedonians were ethnically Greeks!.

Ancient Greece was not one kingdom!.

Greeks were split into many different kingdoms, Macedonia, Sparta, Athens, Mycenae, Rhodes, Thrace, Caria etc etc!.

So the peoples of these kingdoms were called Macedonians, Athenians, Spartans, Rhodions etc!.

However, they were all ETHNICALLY Greek, not members of seperate races!. They ALL spoke dialects of the same Hellenic language(kione, sthenian, carian etc) and used the same written script

So Alexander was Macedonion by nationality, Greek by ethnicity!.

An accurate way to describe him would be to say he was a Macedonian Greek!.

The modern country of FYR Macedonia has NOTHING to do with ancient Macedon!.!.!.!.most of the inhabitants there today are Slavic people!.!.!.!.Slavs simply did not exist as a historical people at the time of Alexander, and there is no record anywhere of Slavs living in the area at that time!.

The Slavic peoples moved into this area in the Dark Ages or early Middle Ages, pushing out the Greeks!.

However, the part of Greece that borders FYR Macedonia is also called Macedonia!

The best modern comparison would be Germany and Austria!.!.!.different countries, but same Ethnicity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Macedon was a separate nation with cultural and political links with the various disparate and often warring city states of Athens, Sparta etc!. 'Greek' as a demographic indicator would not exist as such to the people who lived in the 5th Century in that area!. The Macedons had their own dialect 'Kione' rather than classical or Attic Greek language!. The rule was passed by hereditary succession rather than 'democracy'!. The royal elite however saw to it their sons were educated by the greatest philosophers and teachers of the time (Alexander was taught by Aristotle)!. Philip (his father) and Alexander actually formed the first properly unified Greek coalition by politics and conquest and Alexander used it to conquer all the rest of the known world!. With a bit of historical license you could say that Alexander was a Macedon who created a Greek nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Macedonian by birth--he ruled over Greece, but also over Asia Minor and Egypt--that didn't make him Egyptian, but the Macedonian culture was not unlike Greek culture!. He was raised and tutored by some of the best minds Greece had to offer!. His father ruled Greece as well, so the two cultures melded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends who you ask !.
If you ask a Macedonian , they will say it was from there, If u ask a greek person , they will say it was from there!.
Im Macedonian, so i have been raised to believe that Alexander was Macedonian so until this day no matter what anybody is saying , for me he is Macedonian!.

ps!. The name says it all :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just has someone born in Athens would have been called Athenian then he would be called Macedonian!. He was born in Macedonia which at that time was part of Greece!.There was no such country as Greece then but it was a collective name for independent states bordering both sides of the Aegean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was born in Macedonia, but ended up ruling over Greece and extending the influence of Greece civilization to other parts of the world!. Here is a link to his ancestry: http://www!.macedonian-heritage!.gr/Alexan!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Macedonian by birth, educated as a Greek,!. Took Greek culture and language to the territories he conquered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was a born Macedonian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


One of his heir speaking!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


he was born and raised in macedonia, but ruled greeceWww@QuestionHome@Com