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Position:Home>History> Would You Ever Read "Mein Kampf" By Adolf Hitler?

Question: Would You Ever Read "Mein Kampf" By Adolf Hitler!?
I was reading reviews on Amazon!.com and there were many people praising it!. Strange!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have read Mein Kampf!. On its literary merits, I won't say much -- there aren't very many!. It's simply not all that well written, either in German or translated into English!.

But it does provide useful insight into the thinking of a man who started a war that destroyed most of Europe, left 50 to 60 million people dead, and who was responsible for the worst genocide in history!. The things Hitler did aren't justifiable, but it does help to understand why he felt it was necessary to do them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read it several times!. It is not an easy read, either by terms of it's subject matter, or it's plodding prose!.

It expounded his rather antisocial beliefs and illustrated his various mental issues an definitely foreshadows what was to come!. He does rather tend to reiterate his points, and his writing is also deeply narcissistic!.

Those who praise it are either not too competent in a literary sense, or more likely, they are advocates, at least in part, of his beliefs!. It must be remembered that he did do great things for Germany in the first three years or so in power, even while starting his plans for what was to come!.

Corrrection to the above answer: "Kampf" is better translated as "struggle" Either way it opens the door to the mind of a socially inept former corporal who thought way too much of himself!. Trouble is that people listened!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Mien Kampf" (My Struggle) was written in the style and prose of a lunatic!. I have read it, studied it in fact!. My conclusion is it is the ramblings of a mad man!. Some of his political ideas are sound but those moments are offset by his hatreds and diatribes against peoples he hated for his own personal reasons!. Overall, a boring and repetitive read!. Not recommended for the casual reader!. No political insights, just bile and hatred and a few obvious remedies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it and it was good and I'll have none of this illogical "because he liked it he must be a nazi" reasoning!. As for the book being boring, I can only say that russel's conjugation of verbs gets us out of this problem!. It seems in their determination not to be labeled a nazi these reviewers have called boring what I would call interesting and rambling what I would call melodical; but the roomate put it best when he said, "move your **** to make room for my stuff!"!. You will find that it is sprinkled with many obscure and novel cultural references -a touch which, without being the original intention of hitler, shows just how low our own cultural knowledge is, that even a pauper from vienna could possess superior erudition by just following the cliches of the popular press! You'll also find that hitler pretty neatly accomplishes his goals in Mein Kampf throughout the WW2 era so all in all it's a book to read and indispensible to the WW2 enthusiast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read most of it and I have to say, some of it was not the most enjoyable read of my life!. Again I used it for a history assignment to provide insight into Hitler and for that it was quite useful and I could draw a lot from it!. Using that to look at what happened in World War II I could see the connections in his thinking and thoughts and what happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After what he has done I would find it hard to bring myself to read it!.
As he was a very good orator it stands to reason he would have been a good writer as well!. It's a pity he didn't try wirting instead of painting to express his artistic tendancys, perhaps history would be different!.

there is another reason people would praise it is that they are the type of people who agree himWww@QuestionHome@Com

I read it!. It was a self absorbed, windy, boring read!. It did give me some insight into the mind of the scared, petty, demented little man that he was!.
Its sort of interesting, for all its faults, in a peculiar way!. Its like watching a cockroach crawl across the floor!.!.!.it gives you the heebs but you just can't tear your eyes away from it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read it, a couple of times!. It's really rather tedious reading!. Hitler rambled far too much, and was repetitious in all the wrong ways!. An interesting glimpse into his mind, but great literature or a good book!? nope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course! I've also read most of the Koran, all of the Bible more than once and more than one translation, and the Book of Mormon!. I've also read Karl Marx's works!. You don't know what's in them until you read them yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would read it only from an trying to understand a Historical perspective of the 1930's European situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would read it!. "Mein Kempf" means "My Suffering" in english!. I would like to see Hitler's motive for his hatred of others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can't imagine why people were praising it because it isn't well written!. It's a tedious read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com