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Position:Home>History> When'd Jews start to hide their Jewishness in UK?Between WWI and WWII?How ma

Question: When'd Jews start to hide their Jewishness in UK!?Between WWI and WWII!?How many Jews fought in British mandate!?
How many Jews hid their Jewishness!? Are there any clues into whether one may have Jewish roots!? Thanks and God bless!. Joseph BatemanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Try researching crypto-jews, anusim, marrano!. There is alot of discussion on the Spanish and Portugese Jews and where they went!. Alot went to New World/The Americas but that doesn't exclude any from making it anywhere else on this globe!. These people can be scattered all over the world by now it is 500 years later!.

One such person that made it from Portugal to Britian is this person: http://www!.britain!.tv/wikipedia!.php!?titl!.!.!. He was executed for being "hidden jew!." If he was executed how you think it played on the rest of jewish population they hide it better than him I bet!.

It was massive the amount of people that hid their Jewishness because of the Inquisition!. The secret was so well kept that many of them don't even know they came from Jewish heritage as time went on!. Small signs that they do like keeping some Jewish rituals thinking it is their family thing or a catholic thing to do when it is actually jewish ritual!.

Maybe check out some of those anusim sites will lead you to what you're looking for!. And yes, 500 years later these people still survive!.

From Europe during Holocaust too there it happened that babies were given to Christian families so that they could live!. They are unknowing type of crypto-Jews!. The people that fled Spanish inquisition could have made it to Europe and been victimized twice!.

Try researching individual lineage is only way to find Jewish roots!. The person needs to go by mother's maiden name and her mother etc!. without a broken line (intermarriage of a female out) or willful conversion!. It is added bonus to have it on both the mother's and the father's line!.

Are you investigating this for you personally or other matter!? I checked gen records and Bateman name is listed as making it to Britian!. Sonny Bateman age 2 buried in Bristol 1902!. Milly Bedeman age 80 buried in London 1935, (husband!?) Morris Bedeman age 67 buried in London 1922!. That doesn't mean you are in same line or that somewhere along line there wasn't a willful convert out!.

Individuals need actual documentation, actual proof, of their particular line unbroken to be considered returnee otherwise conversion is the other way to come to Judaism or just be a Noachide is good too!.

G-d Bless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Jews tried to hide it all through history but best would be to read about antisemitism in Britain


Clues!? Most people have either family stories or pictures or knowledge that they have Jewish roots!. Its quite easy to do research too!. If you have a name that was not changed from its original name (like from Goldstein to Smith that would be impossible to find) you might also try and find it through Jewish genealogy!.
Jews who fought in the British Mandate!? Where!? Britain had several mandates, you probably mean Palestine !?Www@QuestionHome@Com