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Position:Home>History> A very brief history of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire?

Question: A very brief history of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire!?
Hi, can you give me a brief recap of the Roman empire, covering their rise, their great victories, who against/how and what set about the fall of Rome, plus the aftermath!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the time, Rome was divided into two social class groups!. They were the rich and powerful patricians and the poor, hardworking plebeians!. The patricians were the only ones allowed to hold office and made up laws to cheat the plebeians of their hard earned money!. This was changed by consuls who wrote down all the laws on twelve tablets, so no one could cheat the poor plebeians!.

Plebeians were farmers or storekeepers!. They lived in tiny apartments in small square five story apartment buildings called insulae!. They spent most of their time working and their children did not go to school!. Patricians had large beautiful houses with skylights to collect rainwater!. Patrician girls and boys went to school, but boys went on with more schooling called a rhetoric education!. They needed this education to get successful careers such becoming a as politicians!.

When you were in a patrician house, you ate while lying on your side!. The people who had a higher social level were served better food!. For entertainment, people went to the coliseum!. Gladiators (usually criminals) fought against animals such as lions!. Sometimes they fought against each other!. When an opponent was down, the crowd gave a thumbs up sign if they wanted him to live and a thumbs down sign if they wished for him to die!. also, they had chariot races with hairpin turns at the Circus!. Slaves had to stand all during the whole performance the way at the top, plebeians sat in the middle section, and patricians sat down on the bottom near the front!. The emperor sat in a balcony seat!. The way they could tell if you were a patrician, or not, is if you had a royal purple hem at the bottom of your toga!.

Rome had a government that was ever-changing to meet the needs of the people!. At first it was kings, then emperors!. Rome had to consuls, the senators and the assembly called the comita centuriata!. There was one man who claimed himself as leader, Julius Caeser!. There were some who opposed his rule during the time of Pax Romana, a great period of peace and wealth in Rome!. One of the leaders of the rebel groups was Brutus, Caeser's so-called trusted friend!. A fortune-teller told Caeser to beware the Ides of March (March 15), but he took no heed!. On March 15, Brutus and his rebels stabbed him 23 times!. As he lay dying, he asked, "Et tu Brute!?" which means, "You too, Brutus!?" in Latin!. Brutus thought he had saved the republic by preventing Ceaser from claiming himself as king!. No way, José! It caused 13 years of civil war! Finally, a man named Octavian stepped forward!. He changed his name to Augustus and was proclaimed emperor!. The people had been waiting for a strong leader to bring them out of the toils of war!.

A man named Jesus, a Jew, changed some of the ways of the Jewish religion!. Christianity did not begin until after his death!. His apostles belived he was the messiah!. While Jews were treated unfairly, Christians were killed and persecuted!. Christianity was outlawed until an emperor named Constantine became interested in it!. He helped Christianity grow but wasn't baptized until shortly before his death!.

Rome, then, was starting to decline!. The armies had grown so used to being pampered, that now they were weak!. Taxes were out of control!. One emperor tried to rearrange everything, but it still did not succeed!. The empire was split in two!. The Western Empire's capital was Rome while the Eastern Empire's was Constantinople, founded by Constantine!. The two rulers worked side by side to help rebuild Rome but to no avail!. Barbarians, attracted by the wealthy cities and rich farmland, they attacked leaving Rome in ruins!. The greatest empire of all time had fallen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I came, I saw, I conquered!.!.!.I diedWww@QuestionHome@Com