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Position:Home>History> Is it true that "six million" jews were killed by the nazis in world w

Question: Is it true that "six million" jews were killed by the nazis in world war II!?
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Yes it is true an ill give you some details, and prove that it happened!. k this is the page that described the jew's
http://www!.remember!.org/image/insignia!.g!.!.!. ,It told Germans what kinda of jew person it was, exmaples: Gay, homosexual, lesbian so they will make them scream or make more pain on them , you know what i mean!. And this pic discribes how jews lined up to the prison camps and die! http://atlasshrugs2000!.typepad!.com/atlas!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, though anti-semetic conspiracy theorists and some Neo-Nazis among others will claim it's not and that either far fewer or no Jews were killed!. But the Nazis kept pretty good records, records that were captured before they could all be destroyed!. These point to that number!. Then add in political prisoners, gypsies, homosexuals, and others and the actual number killed in the Holocaust jumps beyond the six million mark!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Roughly, yes!. Look at it this way!. Before WW 2, we have records of the jewish population in German or German controlled countries!. We have records of the numbers of people who went through the death camps, who were in work camps and died, were killed by firing squads, gassed by specially prepared trucks, and other methods the Nazis experimented with!. At the end of the war, we are short about 6 million jews!. They didn't go to Russia, they didn't go to Israel, they didn't immigrate anywhere else!. Add that to the records of the deaths mentioned above, and you come up with about 6 million dead jews, and another 6 million or so non-jewish enemies or victims of the Nazis!. This is the one thing the Holocaust deniers will not face!. We KNOW these people existed!. If not killed, literally where in the world did they go then!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The exact number isn't really known!. Many of the records were destroyed and a complete accounting is impossible!. The figure of six million is considered the best approximation!. It could be higher, or it could be lower!. But really, what difference does that make!? It was a horrible time either way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's not a stupid question but yes it close to six million Jews killed, there where more than six million I had to do a report on the holocaust during my senior year in college and my professor's best friend is from Israel and he told me to do research by going to the holocaust museum and to the library of congress different libraries to find out and I believe an additional 30,000 more were executedWww@QuestionHome@Com

noone exactly knows, because the german didnt give a list of every killed jewish ppl!.
so how do we know 6 millions !? the hisorians compared the number of jews in europe before the Shoah in 1941 and after in 1945 : they were 6 millions ppl "missing"!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is true and documented fact that the Nazis exterminated about six million Jews plus many thousands of gypsys, mentally and physically handicapped, petty criminals, homosexuals, political opponents, and others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there were 6 million Jews, about 1 million Gypsys, many slavs, thousands of disabled people, and many more, for a variety of reasons logical only to the NAZI mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is the figure that is generally given!. There's no reason to think it's not true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wat a stupid question!! of course six million people were killed!! personally, i think more than 6 million were killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes - I would qualify, but I'm tired of having to explain to people who can't even be bothered to look on wikipedia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, of course it's true!. Have you been asleep in history classes!? Stay in school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
