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Position:Home>History> Did Jimmy Hoffman form a union ?

Question: Did Jimmy Hoffman form a union !?
Could someone explain to me about Jim Hoffman and Ted Kennedy I seem a documentary about Jimmy Hoffman and Ted!. Kennedy they were in court document was in black and white what was this all about !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jimmy Hoffa!.

He was the president of the Teamsters Union and was convicted of bribery!. Robert Kennedy (not Ted) was the Attorney General at the time!. He disappeared in the 70s and his body has never been found!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jimmy HOFFA was the president of the Teamster's Union, and he was said to have ties with organized Crime!. BOBBY Kennedy was counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee which investigated this in late 50s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jimmy Hoffa was the leader of the teamster's union!.

Do you mean Jimmy HOFFA!?
