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Position:Home>History> Why was the flag over Fort McHenry purposely designed large enough to be seen by

Question: Why was the flag over Fort McHenry purposely designed large enough to be seen by the British!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The British entered Chesapeake Bay on August 19, 1814 and in just 5 days invaded and captured the young Republic's Capital, burning down both the Capitol and White House with flames visible 40 miles away in Baltimore which was soon to be attacked by both land and sea!.

The war of 1812 was quickly coming to a sad end!. Earlier in 1813 Maj!. George Armistead (US) the commander of Fort McHenry (Baltimore Port) ask for a flag so big "the British would have no trouble seeing it from a distance!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they wanted the British to see it!?
Seriously, the commander of the fort wanted it to be large enough to be seen by ships!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's the point of a flag if it's too small to see!? Really, the whole point of flying a flag is to proclaim ownership!.Www@QuestionHome@Com